September 3rd, 2010
Order Forms:
Bulk Beef
Bulk Pork
Broiler Pre-Order
Pinwheel Farm's Lamb
Wish List:
Old hoses
Building Materials
tarps and/or heavy plastic sheeting
egg cartons
plastic bags
glass jars with lids
5 gal buckets
We are a
Contact us to place an order!
Hello All!
Wow! When it rains it POURS! Literally! Two days in a row this week we got such heavy rain that a lot of areas absolutely FLOODED! I wanted to take pictures of them but flooding creates different problems in dealing with fences for animals. The creek on our place rushed through at about 10-15 ft deep and 20-30 ft across. The berms from the old fields had foot deep water through most of them... there was no lack of water! The flooding made one pasture, that we're not using at this point anyway, completely inaccessable without going around through the neighbor's property. We're definetely going to have to build some kind of bridge in order to keep that pasture accessable. There is a drainage through our property that flooded our main crossing into 3 pastures but it went down fast enough that we could cross it in a few hours. The fun part about all of it is a bunch of pigs getting out because the flooding wiped out the electric fencing. Fun. Fun. Cows are easier to put back in... some times.
Our next drop-off
is on September 4th from 10:30 to 11 am at the SW corner of 80th and Hemlock which is 1 block east of 80th and Antioch. Please get your orders in! See the price list below for what we have available.
Farmer's Market
Cottin's True Value Hardware on 19th and Massachusetts St in Lawrence KS. Thursday's from
4 to 6 pm.
August - September
We'll be getting our new GOS pigs this next week! We're pretty excited about it all!
We gave in and got a 2nd truck. Our current one is having more problems, one of those things where it could die tomorrow or two years from now, you just don't know. And being in the middle of the move we can't be witout transportation, so now we have a fallback vehicle. Our "new" truck is a black, 1/2 ton extended cab, step-side short box. It will still hold all of us at this point so that's helpful. So you may see that truck at the drop-off rather than the blue 3/4 ton.
A note about grass finishing. One of the main benefits to grass finishing is that the fat is healthier. Most of the fat in an animal is put down during the final finishing period, the very time most cattle are grain fed. While the beef cuts were from an aminal not fed 100%, he was not fed grain during the finishing period, so he will still have the good healthy fat. Many of you are more insterested in supporting family farms or humane animal treatment. But I'm coming back to this for those of you who do care a lot about 100% grassfed, as do we. Of course, 100% grassfed is not a panacia. And we've tried and heard of beef from 100% grassfed cows that just wasn't good quality. Feed is a big component, but there are a lot of other things that go into making quality beef. As always this beef is from pasture raised animals, treated calmly and not treated with all the usual pharmasuiticals.
We strive to produce the healthiest food possible. Unfortnuatly this necessitates a pickiness about sourcing beef feeder cattle that makes it extremly difficult to find them. So we've been thinking and planning about how to accomplish adding brood cows for producing all the calves for our beef on the farm. There are a number of rare and hereitage cattle breeds which are not only naturally calm and hardy, but also produce superior beef as compared to the Angus or Holstein genetics that most farmers around here work with. And some of these breeds will also produce milk on pasture without grain; which would allow us to maximize the food production of our land base. So if there is anyone looking for an investment in real wealth (and not just in a piece of paper at the bank) give us a call or shoot us an email.
Finally, a note about contacting us. We're really hard to get a hold of during this move. When things calm down it will be easier. However, we ported our old phone number to a cell phone so we should be able to return calls sooner... bar normal, busy farm operations.
Currently we have the following goods available:
**All goods can be be picked up on farm or at our Overland Park Drop-Off.**
**To guarantee availability, please place orders in advance, via email or phone**
100% Grassfed Dairy
Cow Milk
2nd Milking Colostrum -------------------------$8.00/pint - VERY LIMITED! (frozen)
97% Grass Fed/Grass Finished Beef
Fillets ------------------------------------------$23.50/lb
KC Strips ----------------------------------------$23.50/lb
T-Bones ------------------------------------------$19.50/lb
Ribeye -------------------------------------------$19.50/lb
Top Sirloin Steak --------------------------------$17.00/lb
Sirloin Tip Steak --------------------------------$17.00/lb
Cube Steak ---------------------------------------$8.50/lb
Rump Roast ---------------------------------------$8.00/lb
Chuck Roast --------------------------------------$7.00/lb
Arm Roast ----------------------------------------$6.00/lb
Brisket ------------------------------------------$10.00/lb
Ox Tail ------------------------------------------$6.00/lb
Short Ribs ---------------------------------------$8.00/lb
Stew Meat ----------------------------------------$7.50/lb
Ground Beef --------------------------------------$6.00/lb
Soup Bones ---------------------------------------$5.50/lb
Liver, Heart, Tongue -----------------------------$6.50/lb
100% Grass Fed Beef
Bulk - Split-Side -------------------------------$3.50/lb Hanging Weight + Processing
Bulk - Side -------------------------------------$3.25/lb Hanging Weight + Processing
Bulk - Whole ------------------------------------$3.00/lb Hanging Weight + Processing
{A deposit is required to reserve bulk beef: $150 - Split-Side, $300 - Side, $600 - Whole)
Pastured Pork
Fresh Side --------------------------------------$10.00/lb - 1 package left!
Chops -------------------------------------------$9.50/lb
Shoulder (Blade) Steak --------------------------$8.50/lb
Kielbasa ----------------------------------------$9.00/lb
Apple Brauts ------------------------------------$9.00/lb - NEW!
Spare Ribs --------------------------------------$8.00/lb
Shoulder Roast ----------------------------------$7.50/lb
Fresh Ham Roast ---------------------------------$7.50/lb
Breakfast Sausage -------------------------------$6.00/lb
Hot Sausage -------------------------------------$6.00/lb - NEW!
Fresh Ground ------------------------------------$5.50/lb
Ham Shank (uncured) -----------------------------$5.50/lb
Neck Bones --------------------------------------$5.00/lb
Organ Meats: Heart, Kidneys, Fries, Liver -------$5.00/lb
Caul Fat ----------------------------------------$10.00/lb
Leaf Lard (unrendered) --------------------------$6.00/lb
Back Fat (unrendered) ---------------------------$4.50/lb
Bulk - Side -------------------------------------$4.00/lb Hanging Weight + Processing
Bulk - Whole ------------------------------------$3.75/lb Hanging Weight + Processing
(A deposit is required to reserve bulk pork: $100 - Side, $200 - Whole)
Pastured Poultry
Chicken Eggs (dozen)-----------------------------$4.00/doz - LIMITED!
Pastured Broilers -------------------------------$5.00/lb - Available Now!
Pastured Broilers PRE-ORDERED -------------------$4.00/lb - Pre-order form
Egg CSA -----------------------------------------$3.50/doz - Egg CSA Sign up form
Necks -------------------------------------------$2.50/lb
Feet --------------------------------------------$2.00/lb
Organic Grains/Flour (Good for Sprouting too!)
5 lb bag of Organic Whole Wheat Flour -----------$5.00/5 lb bag
10 lb bag of Organic Whole Wheat Flour ----------$9.00/10 lb bag
5 lb bag of Local Cer. Organic Hard Red Wheat ---$4.50/5 lb bag
50 lb bag of Local Cer. Organic Hard Red Wheat --$35.00/50 lb bag
1/4 lb bag of Loc. Cer. Org. Red Clover Seed ----$3.00/bag
1 lb bag of Loc. Cer. Org. Red Clover Seed ------$10.00/bag
See you at the Farm!
Peter, Susan, Daniel, Nathanael, Timothy and Matthew Gasper
Gasper Family Farm
Fort Scott, KS