The Little Muddy Farm has recently approved the conception of a pilot project community garden on private land in Johnson County Missouri. There are various groups in the community who will be working in partnership with the The Little Muddy Farm. Lawn Pro of America L.L.C., a soon to be environmental charity, has been involved in the planning of this garden for the last eight year and half. Lawn Pro of America L.L.C. will be in charge of twenty plots in this garden of forty plots.
With the advantages of The Little Muddy Farm, Lawn Pro of America L.L.C. will be able to ensure that the use of heritage seeds are grown and saved in this community garden. The Little Muddy Farm will also use the funds to ensure expert advice on seed sowing and saving. Heritage seeds will be available to plot users. As well, the funds will be used for the betterment of the garden, with materials such as native edible plants, fruit trees, rhubarb, strawberries, blackberries, Bees-Honey & blueberries.
The Little Muddy Farm would provide each of the twenty garden participants with:
- Six packages of heritage seeds
- Six different seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, ground cherries and eggplants
- A variety of perennial edibles for the exterior of the plots, such as greens, strawberries and blueberries
- Expert advice on seed sowing, saving and storing, in the form of on-site workshops
- Materials to ensure the healthy growth and production of each plot such as worm castings, soil, mulch will be provided.
A heritage seed community garden really crosses many of the The Little Muddy Farm. The beauty of heritage seeds is that they are cultural, they "Stimulate Culture". Heritage seeds originate from various places and cultures on our planet. Just think of the Italian influence of Roma tomatoes, or Arugula. Or beautiful Black Krim tomatoes, a Russian delight. Education is involved with ensuring the best expert advice available to all participants of the garden. This idea is also intertwined with "Well-being", locally produced, organic veggies is all about well-being, not to mention the benefits of gardening!
Most importantly though, heritage seeds are all about preserving the environment. Preserving genetic diversity, to ensure these gene pools continue. Food security in enabling the community with healthy produce. Creating a healthy eco-system for both the land and the community. Lastly, vital knowledge in the ability to save seeds and sustain ourselves. Intern applications are now being accepted. Some members will be CSA members. Volunteers are rewarded with healthy natural produce. If you have questions-misterjones@kc.rr.com
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