Refuse to purchase produce (Vegetables, Fruit, Tomatoes and Greens) not grown in the USA
Or in the country that you live in.
An acquaintance of mine wrote this for our forum. I have permission to post it in full. He's known as 'Backwater Jon,' and has taught us all so much about gardening, herbs, preserving and how to homestead.
My Hats off to you Jon. You'll never know how much I appreciate the things I've learned from you and others on your group.
Today's Editorial
by Jon
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Refuse to purchase produce (Vegetables, Fruit, Tomatoes and Greens) not grown in the USA. Check labels.
No one knows for sure which chemical/pesticides are used on imported produce. Nor ones grown in this country that are not certified naturally grown, or USDA Certified Organic.
Those same chemicals may be banned in USA., or used on things not GROWN ORGANICALLY NATURALLY AND LOCALLY as close to YOUR home as possible.
Check labels on canned goods. If the label shows only "Distribution in USA" or other centers, does not mean product of USA. Nor does it give us a clue HOW it was grown, nor the poisons nor chemicals used to make it appear edible.
Do not pick up cookies or other packaged items until you know where they were made, and what out of. You may be surprised to see where some are made. Nor will you know the age of the product/s used in creating them. Nor the poisons added to keep weevil eggs dormant. Nor if the date the product is good to was stamped on only when it left the factory, or if it was stamped on the day it rolled off the assembly line.
Check labels on diary products. Real milk today is found on Organic and/or naturally grown farms. As near to your homestone as possible, or from your county, or your district, or your state, or at least your country.
Check labels on Seafood especially as to product of what country. Where were they harvested? From which body of water? When? And which processes were used in their harvest; their preservation; their plant processing methods, chemical used in their washing prior to processing; methods used to process; added items used in processing? What is its country of origin?
Other countries do NOT abide by the same rules as must American Grown products-especially Organically speaking. Some do, but not all. And we need to hold all the world to American standards IF they intend to sell their product within our borders.
Look for contact information on products. Call and file a complaint if not grown, produced or manufactured in USA. With the farmer listed who grew them, or the fisherman who pulled it out of the sea or rivers or ponds.
The only way to get 'them' to give us food fit to eat is to hit 'them' in the purse. STOP BUYING THE MESS.
Do more from scratch home cooking from co-op grains certified to be NON/GMO, or Certified USDA Organic, or certified naturally grown, or grown by a farmer you know and trust.
Or grown by you yourself the organic way. Avoiding poisons. Avoiding chemicals. Avoiding gene enhanced products and seed fixed that way.
will give you clues as to why. It clues YOU in on just why cancers, ms, ulcers, diabetes, and other sicknesses we hear now were not as rampant in our growing up days in the 30's, 40's, 50's while folks still grew organically; when the soil-the air-the water-the food-even medicines were GROWN ORGANICALLY close to your own backdoor.
That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it today just like I did November 1st 1943 when I turned soil for my very first own garden I created and cared for by myself. And every farm or garden since.
Jon-OHG Founder
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